Friday, March 6, 2009

This page is written to share the experiences and ideas I gathered on e-commerce in the last two years of my deal it with; ‘E-commerce is the future mode of business of this world’-researchers had expressed this view.

What is E-commerce?

E – Commerce or electronic commerce is nothing but doing business by selling and purchasing of different articles or services online through computer and Internet. Business houses allover the world are using e-commerce for the expansion of their business. This is a vast subject and top most professionals are engaged with e-commerce. However, in this page, my intention is to discuss about the e-commerce jobs which can be done with a small set up by working even from home and with little investment.
Why e-commerce is considered as next generation business-
1) 24 hrs a day, 7 days in a week your business is in operation.
2) You can do your business globally by sitting at your office, home or even from bedroom.
3) The products reach to customers directly from the producers at a lower price than the market value.
4) It is fast and effective.
5) By visiting different websites within a short span of time one can compare the price and choose the best deal.
6) Advertising your product is cost effective in compare with conventional offline system.
7) Low staff cost.
8) Financial transaction through electronic fund transfer is very fast and can be done from any part of the world.
9) Can be started with very low investment.
Now, any one can take the advantages of e-commerce.
I myself used Internet in my business and within year a local small business of mine has converted into a global one. If you are interested you can read below how I did it.

My Personal journey.

My name is Jayanti, and I am from Kolkata, India. It was only five years back when my only child started her day school. The first time in my life I started to feel how long each day was because until the evening when my husband and daughter used to come back, I used to be all alone in my home. Within months I started to feel, I must do something to pass (but not to kill) my time throughout the day, but the big question was- what to do. I discussed with my friends, many of them advised me to start some job or business – but again there was another question- what type of business? As neither me nor my family had any background on business and I did not posses enough money to invest. I could not decide anything. At the same time, I was very much determined and eager to do something. I started to search some suitable business for me. Before selecting my job- about one thing I was very serious, that my business should not be for a short time gain and even if it is slow I must build a solid foundation so that one day my business can step to the top.
One of my good friends took me to a business presentation where the speaker was explaining Network Marketing. For the first time I heard about such type of business and became very excited by listening the opportunity. I did not take much time to join the business. Now I can understand I was rather impressed by the income of the senior people but not by the system. Anyhow I did the business very seriously and got the success too. But I could not continue the business. There were several reasons. I wrote all about it in another blog http:://
By this time I earned good amount of money from the networking business. I gained the confidence and started to find a business to start with.

An idea came in my mind. There were many neighbors who were always anxious about the education of their children. They always used to ask each other about the best private tutors or the best schools and colleges to send their children. I thought when there was a good demand in the market why not to convert it to my business. I discussed with my husband and others but frankly speaking nobody was sure whether this would work or not. But I was convinced and started my planning. I was never casual from the beginning, so I made my plan as a professional one and started my preparation accordingly. I opened my office at my home itself with some equipments and a phone. I was very serious in my business and though it was my own home I always used to keep me present at my office room though there were days when not a single person came to visit me. It was a great opportunity for me as by sitting at my office I tried to keep myself up-to-date with the latest development in education through different articles and from the Internet. I was not comfortable with the computer as my computer knowledge was almost nil, but I found net surfing was not a tough one and through Internet I could enhance my knowledge in my field with in very short time.
Anyhow, I started my business with some local advertisement and slowly it was picking up. Within some months I used to get three to four visitors everyday and at least ten phone calls. My dedication brought me there. I got some reputation also by this time as I was very particular in my subject, never compromised with the quality and the honesty. After one year I started to earn money for me and the most important was I gained a strong reputation in the city.
Everything was going on its own way until I attended a seminar organized by one of the most reputed institute in Kolkata where Dr. Amitava Ghosh, a renowned scientist of NASA was one of the guest lecturers. In his speech he addressed the students that at this age of Globalization the whole world is one’s own country, thus the scope of our job is not limited to the geographical periphery. I still remember the word “whatever you think, think global”. I came back to home and started to think how I can convert my business to a global one.
And finally it was not very tough for me because through Internet I tied up with some of the reputed institutes of the world. They agreed to pay me when someone gets admission to their institute referred by me. The second thing I constructed a beautiful website through an expert and hosted on the website on a monthly charge basis. I started to wait for the visitors in my mailing list.
And it did not work. Though I had a beautifully designed site but the visitors of my website was very negligible.
I was disappointed but was not ready to give up. I started discussion on several forums and discussion board on the net. I was not getting my answer, only thing there were thousands of offer from several forum members. But one day one of these members suggested me to visit a site in the name of Site Build it. I visited the site and first time came to know out of millions of websites only 2-3% gets success. I understood why my site was a not a successful one. I was lost in the crowd.
Site Build it teaches how to find the product, how to write the content, how to place the site in the top in search engine and how to convert the visitors into client. All these can be done without taking help from anybody. Till date I did not find any competitor of Site Build It, because if anybody takes the guidance of professionals (there are so many) on each of this subject she has to pay at least 20 times what the SBI charges. There is an extra advantage as SBI provides 30 days free test drive. If anybody is planning to start her own e-commerce job, either a newbie or an expert one, I strongly recommend her to go for SBI.
Visit the site. I assure you even by visiting the site you will come to know so many new things that you never heard of, as there are some free e-courses as your gift.
Till date many of us think computer related jobs mean data entry jobs or something like that. But it is not really so. Through computer you must only do the jobs that you like most. Even if you do not posses any product and don’t like selling products then also you can build your business through computer by passive mode of business like affiliate marketing or adsense.But in all the cases you need a website, more preciously a website that works.
Now let me finish my story. I am now a proud business owner with almost 8000 clients which I never thought even in my dream , though I always remained highly ambitious.
We all are not alike. We may have different thinking, likings. ambitions or goals. I am providing you different links below. You visit as per your choice; it will explain how you can do a global business in your field itself.

‘The biggest mistake people make in life is not making a living at doing what they most enjoy’
-Malcom S Forbes.

There are various types of business.This is always better to start a business of one's own interest.If you are interested in any of this field mentioned below know in details how you can turn that into your business


If you want to know about others who also could make it possible CLICK HERE or if you are skeptic like me and never believe until you see the result CLICK HERE.
If you have any other question to ask you can write me at

As I receive hundreds of email everyday I may take some time to reply, but if you are serious and any of my answer may help you to start your e- commerce business I shall try to be there with you.
You can leave your mail address to my mail box, so that any development in future can be intimated to you.

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